Ionia is not holding a pull for our classes tonight. NTPA will be at Ionia Friday and Saturday!!! Very, very good show to anyone who can make it. Some of the best tractors and trucks in the country will be there!!!
Next scheduled hook is Evart next Thursday and Barryton Friday, then the big time event at Morely on Saturday. NTPA will have some of their classes there as well, along with all of our classes. Well worth the trip to go to. Evart and Barryton are somewhat in the air yet for Lil Whitey?? We will confirm as we get closer.
Thought of the day:
The best reward you can give yourself is someone else saying "Thank You" lw
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Muskegon 2
Sorry, no video. Got all the way to pull and realized we had left the camcorder at home.
Pull went great!! Track was really wet and tore up when we got there about 5:30, it had just rained about 3/10 of inch about an hour previous. Kim Wagner had pushed all the top mud off the track and cut down into the more solid under pan. He packed it down just before pull. They ran the heavier farm tractor classes first then some other tractor classes. We (spark pluggers) were last. Track was good and "biting" by then, great job Kim, Thanks!! We were the first hook so we got to turn it down, gives us another hook. :-) Went about 315' on first hook, Ed Aten (the Silver Dodge team) was the only other truck in the class that night, hooked second and he did great 306' or so. Our second hook was a little better than our first one. We had some bounce starting on first hook right at the beginning, so on second hook we eeeezed into it a bit slower and avoided some bounce. Took it to 317' that time. One of the few times we did better on second hook after turning down the first one. Bruce Hyma thinks the Pilot, Jeff, has something wrong with his head by turning down that first hook. It was a good hook and I (Lil Whitey) thinks he has something wrong with his head too, it's just these other guys are finally figuring it out!!! :-)
Thought of the day:
"If it is the end we are looking forward too only, we will miss the joy of the journey" lw
Pull went great!! Track was really wet and tore up when we got there about 5:30, it had just rained about 3/10 of inch about an hour previous. Kim Wagner had pushed all the top mud off the track and cut down into the more solid under pan. He packed it down just before pull. They ran the heavier farm tractor classes first then some other tractor classes. We (spark pluggers) were last. Track was good and "biting" by then, great job Kim, Thanks!! We were the first hook so we got to turn it down, gives us another hook. :-) Went about 315' on first hook, Ed Aten (the Silver Dodge team) was the only other truck in the class that night, hooked second and he did great 306' or so. Our second hook was a little better than our first one. We had some bounce starting on first hook right at the beginning, so on second hook we eeeezed into it a bit slower and avoided some bounce. Took it to 317' that time. One of the few times we did better on second hook after turning down the first one. Bruce Hyma thinks the Pilot, Jeff, has something wrong with his head by turning down that first hook. It was a good hook and I (Lil Whitey) thinks he has something wrong with his head too, it's just these other guys are finally figuring it out!!! :-)
Thought of the day:
"If it is the end we are looking forward too only, we will miss the joy of the journey" lw
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Fun pull, Hot!!! Had trouble keeping Tranny cool!! #5500 (bumped to #5700, most of us weigh around #5700 stripped) Managed to squeek out a 1st. In the #6500 class Brad, Joe and I full pulled, Brad got us by a couple feet in the pull off, for a 2nd. In the #7500 class Brad and I full pulled first time around, we eeked past Brad by a few feet in the pull off for another 1st. They had an #8000 open class, gas and diesel together. We were a bit nervous about hooking with the diesels again, some of those guys run really hard. We were first hook, had a great run, had to just wait and watch the diesels (we were only "spark plugger" in the class), they all had good runs and tried to reach the mark set by Lil Whitey, Marty hooked last in class and came within a few feet but didn't have enough. It is a riot to beat those diesels, I asked Marty if he had turned his programmer down to make it even :-) He said he gave it all he had, YES!!! A 1st in the open class is always fun!!! Over all a great night, lots of fun. W.A.T.A you guys put on a great pull!!!! Thanks!!!! They are putting on another pull in Barryton on the 1st of August and a second pull in Blanchard, I think, on the 22nd of August, we will be in Hart that night.
Thanks to Aaron, Jerry, Dad, and some of Joe's team for helping "throw weights", there was not a lot of time between classes to weigh up. Thanks, Aaron, for taking video!! THANKS GUYS!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Pull went well last night. Had some local pickups battling each other, had some good competition between them. Brad B was there again, he fixed his "bouncing" problem, at least last night. He continues to inch toward us. He is a tough competitor, we still managed to Eeek past him by a couple feet. Track had a mud hole right in the middle, had to have some good momentum to get through that.
Headed to Remus tonight, barring any rainouts.
What...... A pull in Kent City???
Yup, that's right. September 13th, Noon. All the MFSTPA classes, a couple antique classes, some local farm classes, and an "open" class. Tell everyone one you know, and bring even more. Loads of fun.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sparta pull
Headed to Sparta for truck pull tonight. Sounds like the #6200 class may be a bit on the light side as far as participants, maybe they will let us hook with the #street diesels??? We will keep you all informed.
A missed thank you
Tony Deuling reminded me that he had helped tremendously with the truck build. My apologies Tony!!! Thanks so much. I figured you were too busy with your airplane to worry about pulling trucks anymore. :-) Maybe we should hook the airplane and "Lil Whitey" back to back??? Think you can lift Lil Whitey off the ground?? Or can we keep you grounded?
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