Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I missed some big pulls at end of year, I will update those throughout the winter.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Kent City
Brad Bickle 1st place by about 14"
Sister Sara Hendrickson pulling the longest distance of the whole Day!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
2009 Greg VanHouten Memorial Truck & Tractor Pull

Friday, July 24, 2009
Thanks Greg for the great pull, really enjoyed it.
Thought for the day: If you put your hands in a bees nest, you should probably expect to get stung (note to Lil whitey) lw
Michelle Tromp, if you have some video for us............that would be really cool. :-)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thought for the day: Life.....it's not a thing, or a thought, or a feeling, or an emotion, or a friend, or an enemy, it can't be quantified, it needs a recipient. Life is so unique and yet so required to make our world even remotely what it is. We cannot make it or create it or give it to someone/something else, Only it's Creator can.....and GIVE it He did!!! lw
Thought for the day: It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife, but every fool will be quarreling. Proverbs 20:3 God
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
They changed my oil, that felt good, I had about 20 hooks since the last change. I told them thanks for the oil change last night.............I gave them a couple good runs. :-)
While they were warming up my new oil, my alternator decided to throw sparks and smoke. Ended up totalling itself and in the process took out a bunch of fuses, a fusible link. They still can't figure out why the electrical gauges are not working. While they were trying to get the gauges working, in the pits at Charlotte I might add, they blew another fuse and couldn't get my starter to work. They ended up having to jump a wire from the battery to the starter coil just to get me started. That was a bit intense, I was ready to rock, the truck before us was hooking, and they were trying to figure out how to start me!!!!! They got me going, we made our way to the line, had to wait for a couple minutes, they did not want to shut me off and man did I get hot!!!!
Finally we got hooked, the track looked good, smooth, and plenty long. He gave me the GO signal and I ran for all I was worth, man did that feel good. I was screaming, good thing he had my rev limiter set at 7300 rpm, cause I was pushing it the whole way. Ended up getting about 380' before Dan (Nearpass) drug us down from behind. Man he can pull hard. We hurried around to the pits, he turned me off, opened my hood, put jumper cables to Mighty Whitey, and ran my fans and water pump, I was soooooo hot. Next thing he comes running back to say we needed to hurry back out there for a pull off. 3 other trucks did full pulls (over 300') as well. I new it would be a HOT work out. Dan had set the sled to "drop" sooner, so I knew I would need to get going quick. We got the green light, I gave it all I had, ended up going about 335'. I was sooooo hot, we went back to the trailer, he shut me off, I was boiling......literally!!!! Got the job done by about 30'. What a riot. I think Mrs. Tromp got some video, I think he is going to try to get it from her on Thursday, maybe he will put it on the site.
Shane Smith came along with us last night. I think he liked it. He helped load the weights and wired in some the gauges. Thanks for all your help Shane!!!
Sparta is Thursday 6:30 - 7:00. Should be a good one. Look for you there.
Thought for the day: Why is there such large gaps between the different levels of species in the so called "evolution idea". How long before the next group of apes become human and why is there no group, of whatever they would be called, in between there right now? lw
Monday, June 29, 2009
Gladwin TTPA pull
Adam Tarswell, 1st Place
Bodacious, 2nd
Terry Card, 3rd
Lil Whitey, 4th
What a pull, we got out driven and out "set up". I think we had plenty of truck, just lacked on the driving ability and set up. We were not allowed front weights and I think we have gotten spoiled. We added about 600# in the bed and nothing on the front, this makes for a much more unstable truck. I got into it to quickly and got us bouncing. I couldn't get it to quit? Maybe some tire pressure adjustments would help too. You guys (TTPA pullers) obviously have the set up figured out for the rules you run, Great Job!!! I will remember for next time though! :-) We ended up 4th place. We did push the output shaft through the transfer case and out the back side of the transfer case housing, Brad Hyma says it is nothing to fix, "you just need a new this, that, and the other thing, guess we will see what "nothing" is huh? Adam Tarswell and his sweet 69 Chevrolet beat us all, he put up a 291 +/-. The Bodacious Truck pulled a 285.31 feet for second. Terry Card pulled at 285.30 for third. We had a 285.23 for fourth. Great job you guys!! We really enjoyed hooking with you guys, what a great show. Mike you keep that Chevy tuned in..........we are coming for you!!!! :-) Thanks again to you all for allowing us to hook with you!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Centreville Pull
Brad, Lil Whitey
Jeff, Lil Whitey
Ed Aten
Brad Hyma
After much debating we decided to go to Centreville for the pull rather than Morely. With lots of rain of past 3 or 4 days we didn't know if they would be able to get the track together, but they did a great job. It was a great track! Pulled into pits a bit late, there were already 10+ trucks signed up in the Big Block Mod class. Mike Tarswell was there just ahead of us and triggered some complaints with his hitch. When we pulled on scale they told us they were going to make an "open" class. Apparently they didn't like our hitches. That was cool, we had 5 trucks entered into the class and needed 6 for it to pay out places. There were a couple guys who said they might jump from BB Mod to Open if they didn't break in their class. They also told us we could enter the same truck multiple times with same or different drivers to make the 6 entries. Brad Bickle had come to watch, didn't have his truck, and Brad Hyma was there as well. Ends up Brad B entered to hook with Lil Whitey and Brad Hyma hooked with............do you have name for that thing yet Ed?.............Ed's "Silver Pull Truck". We, myself & Lil Whitey, ended up hooking first, had a great hook, 368.485'. Ed went next 355' or so, good hook Ed. Ed had some very aggressive tires, and that track was hooking pretty good, it may have been a bit over geared? Ed, thoughts? He seemed to run out of steam right at the end. then there were 4 or 5 other trucks who hooked in there, Mike Tarswell & Andrew had good hooks, Pat Tixley (sorry about the spelling if I got it wrong Pat) had something come loose in transfer case he thought. Hope that is a quick fix. Brad Bickle then hooked with Lil Whitey and pulled a 368.615', that is exactly 1 1/2" difference from our first hook. Good job Brad!!! Brad Hyma was up next, he took some quick clutch lessons, including a couple trial runs. He finally got it going and got on top of the cam, did a nice run as well. How did you like using that "mans truck" with a clutch Brad? Was a great event! Thanks to all you at Centreville for the good time and letting us create another class.
1.5 inches?!?!?!?!!!!!...................I guess at least Lil Whitey is consistant.
Thought for the day: To drive from Grant MI to Los Angeles CA is approx 2210 miles. 1 1/2" is to 368' just as 2/3 of one mile is to 2210 miles. Maybe "Lil Consistant" is a better name? lw
Monday, June 15, 2009
Muskegon Test N Tune
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Brad (and Amy) Bickles Beautiful Baby
Congratulations again!!!!!
Hope to see you ALL soon cheering on that light blue Ford!!! :-) (and the Lil White one too!! :-))
Thought for the Day: EVERYTHING that has life, has that life breathed into it from God. We will pray that someday very soon you will accept His gift of un-ending Life, only that one really counts!!! lw
Busy weekend
Hoping to get to Muskegon this Friday night to get a couple test hooks in. Doing a Carb change and would like to make sure we have the jets dialed in. If all goes well we hope to head to Marshall on Saturday. Sounds like we need to be there around 3:00 or so.
We changed some of the hitch height brackets around to save a little weight in the rear and it lookes like we built one of them maybe a bit on the "light" side. Had a bit of a bow in the cross piece when Lil Whitey got back from Remus so we added a couple pieces of flat stock to give a bit more "beef" to it. Hopefully that will eliminate that problem.
Hope ya'll can make it out to Muskegon or Marshall. See ya then.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Remus Test & Tune
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Warsaw IN Test n tune / open class
Was a fun day. Brad B and Brad H both went with and helped tremendously in the pits and video camera. Thanks guys!!! I had a lot of fun.
Bickle is "upgrading" as well this winter and will be "playing for real" in a few weeks. Can't wait for the unveiling Brad. Also his wife is due to deliver a new little baby for them in next few weeks. Hope all goes well Brad & Amy!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Gonna be hookin soon
Saturday, April 4, 2009
New club website
Check it out!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Maybe a road trip?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
New website for the club
Please comment and have much conversation on the forum. We created this for everyones use.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Kent City Pull, tentative date
Would like to do a very special "In memory of" type pull or event or something special at this pull for our late dear friend Greg VanHouten. Put a bit of thought into it and share your ideas. We have an opportunity to show our support and memory of him at this event, I would really like to make it special.
Are we getting close yet? Is it going to warm up? I went a snuck a peek at him "Lil Whitey" the other day, he is still dormant, out like a lamb.............carefull, that means he'll come in like a LION!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Some pull dates for 09.....some are still tentative.
June 13 Muskegon Test & Tune - MFSTPA
June 20 Morley
June 26 Blanchard Trucks
July 9 Sparta - MFSTPA
July 13 Charlott - Greg
July 17 Remus Trucks
July 21 Muskegon - MFSTPA
July 23 Hastings - Greg
Aug. 8 Morley
Aug. 11 Mt. Pleasent - Greg
Aug. 14 Fremont - MFSTPA
Aug. 18 Caddilac - MFSTPA
Aug. 18 Mashall
Aug. 22 Greenville - MFSTPA
Aug. 28 Hart -MFSTPA
Sept. 4 Remus Trucks
Sept. 6 Hudsonville
Monday, February 9, 2009
Anyone getting the "itch" yet?
I hear rumblings of some new pull locations this year? Cadillac? Ludington? Hudsonville? Greenville? Holland? Still waiting on some dates for sure.
I have a huge confession to make: Our F350 tow truck is being replaced with an '05 GMC Duramax. I know, many will probably disown us. All I can say is............I do like it. We put so many miles on both towing and more yet for work, I had to go with the fuel mileage and the ride. Both are considerably nicer. I do miss the "ruggedness" of the F350. Maybe...........just maybe..........we will try to get a few hooks with the Dmax, I "hear" they do ok.
Will try to keep some updates more often now.
Passing of a dear friend, Greg VanHouten
Gal 2:16 nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified.
Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
1Thess. 4:13-18 And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again, we also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died. We tell you this directly from the Lord: We who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. So encourage each other with these words.
There is such peace in knowing that our friend is spending eternity with his Saviour only because of his belief and trust that the required judgement of his sin was taken and paid for by his Saviour Jesus Christ. What a call of consideration we all must do in preparation before we step into eternity. I know it has caused me to consider this in my life. I too share in this love and trust in Jesus Christ as my Saviour as well.
We will miss Greg and his many abilities, what huge shoes to fill.
We miss you Greg!!