Monday, June 23, 2008


Track was pretty slippery at start of evening, and first class being the light one, there was not much traction. Sat idling too long before this first hook. Was quite warm when we left the line, water and engine oil where about 245 at finish. Boiled out about 1 1/2 gallons of water and vapor locked the fuel, so we had to be towed back to pits. Ran water pump and fans for 25 minutes or so, got the water temp back down to about 130. Started right up and ran great for 6500# class. Had a bit more traction with extra weight and track was coming to as well. Got a full pull in that one. Temps stayed good for rest of night as long as we let Lil Whitey cool down between hooks. First run of 7500# class they had sled set to slow, we were headed for the woods. Thankfully we got stopped without getting "rammed" by the sled. The second hook in 7500# was a bit tougher, we were working on that one. Also hooked in the 8000# open class, gas & diesel trucks, RWYB (run what ya brung). I don't have a video of that one, my video person, Kalah, was riding with me!!!! They allowed a rider and Kalah wanted to ride.......I think she liked it.

Took 1st place in 5500#, 6500#, & 7500# classes and 2nd place in the 8000# class behind the STRONG running diesel called "One Bad Apple". This was a little better(funner) night than Thurs.

1 comment:

Joeh231 said...

Hey Jeff,

Great video's. I watched them over and over when I got home with Preston. He loves going. He talks about "Big Truck" for 2 days after.
Next time I will have to bring a radar to clock how fast you are going. must be at least 40. Ha ha

I gave Dave a copy of Blanchard's and it has the last run on there.

Hope you had fun at Morley

Joe H